
Nautilus, Fine Art
The world of shells and sea plants shimmers in the luminous quality of embossed copper. As the light changes on the surface of the copper, the images of the shells almost seem to be under water, secure in their ocean home.

Fine Art (Mixed Media)    11 x 11 x 1.5    $200.00   

<div><div><div><p>Ann Chaitin's mixed media works with varied textures and layers, those becoming a metaphor for the diversity and complexity or our lives and our environment. Our connection to the world around us, the places we seek as touchstones and remind us of the glory of untouched spaces, is an underlying element of her work. &nbsp;Throughout her career as illustrator and studio art teacher, whether working with handmade papers, found objects, paint, copper, or marbled paper, her works strives for a harmonious richness to express ssthe ever-changing nature of her personal landscape.</p></div></div></div>